Now, you are scanning the rest of the page, hopeful for a quick credit card option. Sadly we are currently stuck in 1993 and don’t offer a purchasing interface on our site. I could lie and say I just want to protect your credit card information from the “dark web” but really I am just not that smart to figure out how the hell to get it on here.
These are nice looking, right? I wouldn’t steer you wrong. Your special someone is going to to be so impressed!
Are you still not sold on us? Please know that your gift certificate can be used in the professional shop or the bar. Additionally, whoever is receiving this gift certificate will surely love you forever and will most likely buy you a Mercedes or Lamborghini in return on your birthday. So you have that going for you, which is nice.
Are you still reading? That’s unbelievable! Either you are lapping up my frisky writing or you are just procrastinating with that phone call. Come on, it will be alright. I promise. 315-336-6464. Please have your credit card ready and we will bang it right out in just a few moments. I might even have a reasonable joke for you as well.