2018 Wesley Wessers: Back Row – Fred Pacicca, Charles Martin, Josh Solon, Robert Taylor, Ryan Reilley, Mike Chlebus. Front Row – Leslie Cupp, Captain Wes Cupp, Ted Cupp, Brian Adams, Mark Lloyd, Captain Brittany Lynch, Ron Artigiani, John Haberer.
The Saturday morning matches were quite compelling. Four of the six went the distance as Lauren grabbed a quick 4 to 2 lead. The expected pairing of Hughes and Agosto proved fruitful for Lauren as they knocked off Solon and Regan, 3&2. Purrington and Seifert came from two down with three to go to steal a full point against Reilley and Adams in Match 2. Match 4 saw the only red on the board as White Chuck Martin and father-in-law Mike Chlebus earned the only victory of the session for Wes. They got out to a commanding lead and cruised to a 4&3 win.
Dennis Bird provided the shot of the morning as he made something between a 30 and 75 footer (depending on how many gin and tonics Arty has had when he recounts the story) on #9 for birdie to win the hole and halve the match. That’s clutch, Birdman!
Session One – Eighteen Hole Best Ball (Dizzers 4, Wessers 2)
Match #1 – M. Hughes & A. Agosto vs. J. Solon & R. Regan. Hughes & Agosto, 3&2.
Match #2 – JR Purrington & M. Seifert vs. R. Reilley & B. Adams. Purrington & Seifert, 1 up.
Match #3 – T. Peters & E. Evans vs. M. Lloyd & R. Taylor. Halved.
Match #4 – K. Harvey & M. Smith vs. C. Martin & M. Chlebus. Martin & Chlebus, 4&3.
Match #5 – A. Asher & B. Krol vs. D. Bird & R. Artigiani. Halved.
Match #6 – E. Joyce & L. Fournier vs. F. Pacicca & J. Haberer. Joyce & Fournier, 1 up.
The Wessers were hoping to flip the script in the afternoon session. If they could win the afternoon by the same score of 4-2, the event would be a tie going into Sunday. Yeah, that didn’t quite happen. Instead, the Dizzers banged out another 4.5 points, giving them a nearly unbeatable lead of 8.5 to 3.5 heading into Sunday’s singles matches.
Session Two – Eighteen Hole Alternate Shot (Dizzers 4.5, Wessers 1.5)
Match #7 – M. Lloyd & D. Bird vs. M. Hughes & K. Harvey. Hughes & Harvey, 3&2.
Match #8 – J. Solon & M. Chlebus vs. T. Peters & B. Krol. Solon & Chlebus, 3&2.
Match #9 – R. Regan & C. Martin vs. M. Seifert & M. Smith. Halved.
Match #10 – R. Reilley & R. Artigiani vs. JR Purrington & A. Asher. Purrington & Asher, 1 up.
Match #11 – R. Taylor & F. Pacicca vs. A. Agosto & E. Joyce. Agosto & Joyce, 1 up.
Match #12 – B. Adams & J. Haberer vs. E. Evans & L. Fournier. Evans & Fournier, 2 up.
Rookie Ryan Reilley got the Wessers a much need point in the first match of Sunday. His 3&2 win over Edible inched the Wessers a bit closer, moving the score to 8.5 to 4.5. Would there be an epic comeback brewing?
The much anticipated match of Arty and Hurricane Harvey stopped the Wessers’ momentum. Hurricane avenged his singles lost last year to Arty with a decisive 5&4 thumping this time around. (Now let’s all thank our personal deity that this rivalry is now retired.) This win by Harvey started off a stretch for the Dizzers that would earn them five points in the next six matches. Just like that, the Cup was clinched and the Dizzers could finally fly their pristine flag.
Session Three – Eighteen Hole Singles (Dizzers 7.5, Wessers 4.5)
Match #13 – R. Reilley vs. E. Evans. Reilley, 3&2.
Match #14 – R. Artigiani vs. K. Harvey. Harvey, 5&4.
Match #15 – R. Taylor vs. JR Purrington. Halved.
Match #16 – C. Martin vs. B. Krol. Krol, 3&1.
Match #17 – B. Adams vs. A. Agosto. Halved.
Match #18 – M. Chlebus vs. M. Smith. Smith, 3&2.
Match #19 – R. Regan vs. M. Seifert. Seifert, 1 up.
Match #20 – F. Pacicca vs. L. Fournier. Pacicca, 4&3.
Match #21 – M. Lloyd vs. T. Peters. Peters, 4&2.
Match #22 – D. Bird vs. A. Asher. Halved.
Match #23 – J. Solon vs. M. Hughes. Hughes, 5&4.
Match #24 – J. Haberer vs. E. Joyce. Haberer, 3&1.

2018 Cupp Cup Champions! Mike and Ed are holding up a shirt in honor of their late teammate, John Domagal. Nice touch, gentlemen.
Letter Grades – Lauren Dizzers
Captain Lauren Cupp A
Lauren feels horribly she hasn’t been able to make the last few Cupp Cups. We thought we had this year all set until the Speedgolf weekend forced the Cupp Cup a week earlier. Nonetheless, Lauren pushed all the right buttons in the super important team matches on Saturday. The 8.5 to 3.5 lead that was earned through thoughtful pairings and good play on the first day proved insurmountable. The speedgolf comet will pass in late August next year so I fully expect the Cupp Cup and Lauren schedules to be in harmony once again.
Captain Jake Smith A
Jake once again answered the call for the Dizzers. Incredible! Let’s see, captain shaky golf in questionable weather for an entire weekend? Not a lot of humans are into self harm. Thank God Jake is! We appreciate it, buddy!
Captain Dave Fay A
It was great to see John David roaming the fairways on Cupp Cup weekend once again. His players summoned for him Friday and he proudly answered the call. His poised confidence was a great elixir for the Dizzers all weekend. Any chance of become a playing captain in 2019, Dave? What do you say?
Dave’s quote of the week: “If I had to wear pants like that (Team Wes pants), I’d have to burn them.”
Captain Whitney Cook A-
Whit Cook was back in action along with his partner in crime, Whitney on a Stick… or steeek.. or however the hell you say it. Whitney provides drinking credibility for the Dizzers as well as some nice, relaxed vibes for his players. For the high stress environment that the Cupp Cup can produce, this is welcomed. I must mention that I did dock Whitney a half letter grade for those damn squeaky sandals.
Matt Hughes (3-0-0) A+
After a brief retirement from the event, Little Hughesy picked up right where he left off and posted the only perfect record of 2018 for either squad. His complete domination earned him his second MVP. He was mystified after the event to learn that Rome CC actually has more than 16 holes. Hughesy’s career record? 8-0-1. Wow.
Aaron Agosto (2-0-1) A-
Loverboy finally made his Cupp Cup debut after flirting with the notion of getting involved for the past few years. I’m so glad he, and a few pals, made the leap. We need new blood like Aaron, Joyce, and Ryski in the Cupp Cup and at the club in general.
As for Loverboy’s play, I was very impressed. I knew he had game, but I wasn’t sure how it would hold up under the stress of the Cupp Cup, coupled with playing the big boy tees on a sloppy track. In short, he got around nicely. A quick W with Hughesy in the best ball and a tight one up victory in the alternate shot had to leave 2-0 Loverboy thinking that this Cupp Cup thing is easy. He got a stiffer test on Sunday, however, as he and Adams spent four hours just to finish in a tie in the singles match. All in all, a solid 2.5 haul for the Cupp Cup rookie and an A- letter grade for the effort.
JR Purrington (2-0-1) B
I’m not sure if JR can do anything quietly in the Cupp Cup but I must say I was surprised to see the 2.5 point haul for the weekend. It’s hard to find someone having such success who looks like his dog died while on the course. JR may have said it best himself a week removed from the event, “I’m not where I want to be, but I was much better than I was.”
Mike Seifert (2-0-1) A-
Mr. Hop Along scratched and clawed his way to a strong 2.5 point outing. Will he get that damn knee fixed? Jesus. It hurts just watching the man walk to a bar stool in the clubhouse. Mike outlasted 2017 MVP Richy Regan in the singles on Sunday to snatch a victory from the jaws of defeat on the back nine. Mike is gritty and super nice. Can one ask for any more than that? Nope.
Tom Peters (1-1-1) B
Like Hughesy, Tom had a few years off from the event. His comeback tour certainly had plenty to do with the outcome. Adding the two big guns to the Dizzers proved to much for the Wesser’s Blue Pool to handle. The Dizzers were an amazing 11-2-5 in Blue Pool play. That will do it.
Ed Evans (1-1-1) B-
Edible had a taste of everything this weekend: one victory, one defeat, and one tie. His 3&2 loss on Sunday to rookie Ryan Reilley had him muttering retirement talk after the round. Three rounds in two days is quite a bit of golf for sure. I’m hoping that feeling has passed and Edible makes another go of it in 2019. If not, I know Lauren would LOVE to have him as a captain.
Kristopher Harvey (2-1-0) B+
“Clear Eyes, Full Hearts, Can’t Lose.” Although stolen from Friday Night Lights, I will give credit to Kris for being the AED this team needed after a couple of flatlining years. His golf game has improved tremendously over the past two seasons. Now it is time to look past the Arty’s of the world and challenge the next rung of golfers at RCC. I have confidence Kris will be up to it.
Eric Joyce (2-1-0) A-
All of the old stewards of the Cupp Cup asked, “Who the hell is Eric Joyce?” Boy, I think they all knew after he took two full points on Saturday. My boy Jumping for Joyce has game! Even Captain Dave Fay was singing his praises. Habs did wrestle the singles match from him on the back nine on Sunday or else it would have been an MVP type performance out of the rookie. I hope Eric continues to get more involved in club events in 2019. He could have a wonderful Cupp Cup career.
Logan Fournier (2-1-0) B-
Logan had a very successful sophomore outing in the Cupp Cup. He had a perfect Saturday winning two full points in team play. However, he took a pretty good ass kicking by fellow city employee Fred Pacicca in the singles. Thank God he didn’t bet pizzas between the police department and city hall. Well done for choosing your battles appropriately, Logan.
Aaron Asher (1-0-2) B+
Smasher didn’t get beat this Cupp Cup weekend. That is always a good thing. Do you know what else is a good thing? Sportsmanship. Aaron was in one hell of a match with Dennis Bird on Sunday. Before they knew it, they were the last match on the course and on the eighteenth green. Aaron made a clutch four footer which gave Bird a similar length putt to halve the hole, and the match. With the cup already won, Captain Dave Fay whispered to Aaron to concede the putt, and therefore, ensuring a halved match. Aaron agreed and the 2019 Cupp Cup ended on a wonderful and classy gesture. This moment may have been drowned out by the champagne that was quickly corked but I won’t forget it.
Mike Smith (1-1-1) B
The world’s most unlikely speedgolfer had a ho hum weekend of 1-1-1. Mike did avenge his Saturday loss to Mike Chlebus with a win on Sunday, 3&2. Although the flashy names of Hughesy and Peters tend to get the headlines for the Dizzers, Mike has been the solid foundation that this team has been built around. He has been a great asset both on and off of the course.
Bryan Krol (1-1-1) B+
Sneaky good. That’s how I describe BK of late. He doesn’t overwhelm you with length or fancy schmancy shots, but the kid finds a way to get the ball in the hole. If you don’t believe me, ask White Chuck Martin.
Letter Grades – Wesley Wessers
Captain Wes Cupp D
A drubbing like that and a “D” letter grade is being generous. Wes thought he had the world beat with a steal for a White Pooler in Freddy at the last minute. However, when it came to pairings, there was little mojo to be had. The Wessers never got anything going. Maybe Wes needs to be a little more vocal in firing up the troops for 2019. They need a fire under their asses.
Captain Bob Pawlak A
Bob brought some weak ass “Ice Box” Mudslides for the first day of action. What a rookie mistake by the veteran ass. cap. He did pony up the extra cash on Sunday and righted his wrong with the “Hot Sex” Mudslides. In doing so, Bob’s grade jumped from a D to an A.
Captain Karl Kotary F
No show and no call out of Karl this weekend even though he confirmed his appearance a month earlier. We presume he found a NASCAR race or something on his way up to New York.
Josh Solon (1-2-0) B
Poor Josh ran into the buzzsaw that was Matt Hughes twice this Cupp Cup. He was 0-2 against Hughesy but won his other match with partner Mike Chlebus. Because of such the tough match ups, I’ve given Josh a friendly grade of a B even though he only wrestled up one point. Here’s to Hughesy getting eaten by a gator in Florida over the winter so Josh can have a softer ride in the 2019 Cupp Cup.
Ryan Reilley (1-2-0) C+ A-
A singles win on Sunday helped cover up some blemishes from Saturday’s Cupp Cup debut. Ryski missed a kick-in on #18 in his morning match that stung for the rest of the day. He did brush himself off and beat the pro on Sunday, 3&2. I would give his rookie effort a C+ on golfing merits alone. However, he was forced to ride with Artigiani TWICE during the weekend. That type of heroic action bumped his grade all the way up to an A-. Such team sacrifice should be heralded for years to come.
Robert Taylor (0-1-2) C+
My man Tayls had a sensational year on the course. He nearly shocked the world in the Club Championship as he had a share of the lead through 27 holes. He would surely have earned the Most Improved Award, well, if there were one. As for Cupp Cup week, Tayls didn’t quite get a rhythm going. A pair of smooches for the sister and a loss with Freddy in the alternate shot wasn’t the satisfying weekend he was looking for.
Rich Regan (0-2-1) C+
Richy’s sophomore outing was quite a bit different than his 3-0 MVP debut last year. I’m going to chalk this up to his workaholic ways. Richy had been putting in 60+ hour weeks leading up to the Cupp Cup. And, get this, he works for the government?! This story doesn’t quite check out. Hmm…
Brian Adams (0-2-1) C
The only thing worse than going winless in the Cupp Cup is when you have to buy the entire City Hall office pizza because of it. Brian lost to Logan in a team match, but that was enough action for some sizable wagers to be made. He did pay up like a gentleman (I watched the extended SnapVideo to prove it).
Mark Lloyd (0-2-1) B+
Mark’s record once again was not truly indicative of his play. The man falls into a tough spot for the Wessers as he is often handed the most difficult matches each and every year. 2018 was no exception. He battled Tom Peters twice and Matt Hughes once this weekend. Ugh. Damn Brooks Koepka would have been lucky to grab a half point out of that gauntlet. Thanks for battling hard for me, Mark.
Mike Chlebus (2-1-0) B+
Mike was the only Wesser to muster two full points for the squad this weekend. To do it as a rookie was especially impressive. The only thing that kept him from a perfect week and a shot at the rare MVP award in a losing effort was Mike Smith. There is no shame in coming up short against the Terminator. Nice weekend, Mike!
(White) Chuck Martin (1-1-1) C+
WCM, as his record indicated, had a very ho hum week. It started off swimmingly as he and his father-in-law cruised to a 4&3 victory on Saturday morning. A loss in the afternoon meant his singles match on Sunday would define the weekend for WCM. He had his chance at redemption when he drew Bryan Krol. Krol handed Chuck a loss last year in singles. Unfortunately for Chuck, history did repeat itself. Krol won 3&1 and the Dizzers were popping champagne soon thereafter.
Dennis Bird (0-1-2) A-
Considering Dennis played more golf this weekend than the rest of the year, I was impressed with his performance. Dennis plays his absolute heart out each and every match and does so with a calm and pleasant demeanor. For those who think you must be intense and grumpy to be a bulldog out there, please take notice. Bird’s match saving putt on Saturday morning along with his chip in at #9 the second time around certainly provided some highlights.
Fred Pacicca (1-2-0) C-
Freddy was a late captain’s pick for the 2018 Cupp Cup. Wes had a great feeling with Freddy as he moved down in class from the Blue Pool to the White Pool this time around. Coupled with a year of experience in the event, expectations were high for Fred. Sadly, Fred stumbled out of the gate on Saturday and found himself pointless. However, he treated poor Logan Fournier like an absolute criminal on Sunday, winning 4&3. That type of statement win bodes well for a strong campaign in 2019.
John Haberer (1-2-0) B-
Habs plunked down his $250 for next year’s membership, giving him loophole eligibility into the 2018 Cupp Cup. Habs struggled a bit in team play (have you ever heard of someone flying a chip into the pond on #7?) but righted the ship by beating a game Eric Joyce, 3&1, in the singles. That big win had to make his Moe’s burrito taste a little better Sunday night.
Ron Artigiani (0-2-1) C-
This wasn’t Arty’s best Cupp Cup weekend. His support for the Wessers is wonderful, but spending most of his energy on concocting a way of wiggling out of a $200 bet with Harvey probably didn’t help his overall focus over the weekend. He did manage a scrappy half point with Bird in the best ball matches, but his other matches left a bit to be desired.